Staff Spotlight: Freddie Rivera

Bench Mark Program is striving to empower our students to become our mentors and Freddie Rivera is a perfect example of that. He started at Bench Mark as a student in 2014 and now you can find him in the gym most nights working with our students on their school work and workouts and setting an example of leadership, dedication and hard work.

Name: Freddie Rivera

Title/Description: Mentor

Years at Bench Mark Program: 5 years

What has been your favorite thing about being a part of Bench Mark Program (gym, outings, tutoring etc.)?

I enjoy the gym environment and the feeling of being part of something bigger than myself while still feeling like the actions I commit matter and have an impact. I enjoy the familial bonds we have built and the bonds we continue to build to this day, the future and beyond.

Why do you think Bench Mark Program is so important to the Lancaster community?

I believe Benchmark Program has a big impact on the youth and gives them an alternative to just being a product of their environment. Bench mark program is a place where the youth can become successful with the help of a mentor who helps them feel they matter and that the things they want to do in life have value. 

How was Bench Mark Program changed and shaped you as a person?

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The mentors at benchmark made me realise I am much more than my pain and that kindness is real, that selflessness and chivalry are great character traits for me to possess. I am not weak for showing kindness and that I am stronger than I realise.

Other than Bench Mark, what is something you’re passionate about?

Other than Benchmark I am also passionate about music. For me listening to and making music is not just my passion or a dream it is my lifeline my very essence. It is another big part of what makes me who I am today.

If you were a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be and why?

I would choose a mix of instant learning with eidetic memory so I can become a learning powerhouse. I enjoy reading and learning in general but my brain as with any humans can only retain so much before we start to forget. 

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be and why?

I would choose music theory, even though I'm learning it now and it's already a big help if I became a sudden expert that would increase my ability to produce instrumentals by several fold.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?

A survival knife, one of those filtered straws life that let you drink from any water source, and a cooking pot.

If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Creative, intelligent, and spiritual

What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?

To be in a position where I have enough wealth and power where I can take care of those closest to me while still having a positive impact on the world outside of my family and social circle.